Her many criticisms include their refusal to use racial profiling as a component of airport screening.
Wresnewskyj's appeal for a successful leadership bid includes his refusal to play "back room politics", seen as a key factor in rejuvenating the Liberal Party.
The charge also includes the President's repeated refusal to voluntarily testify before the grand jury and his invocation of executive privilege to block testimony by key aides.
Irsay said the penalties were for conduct detrimental to the team, which would include Dickerson's refusal yesterday to take the team's required physical exam.
Greenspan's criticisms of President George W. Bush include his refusal to veto new Federal legislation, thus increasing spending with unprecedented ease.
These values included her refusal to play poker on Sundays.
Greenspan's criticisms of President Bush include his refusal to veto spending bills, sending the country into increasingly deep deficits, and for "putting political imperatives ahead of sound economic policies".
These include a doctor's refusal to accept a patient's request to bypass life-sustaining treatment based on moral grounds, fear of lawsuits or criminal charges.
A Government official said this included the State Department officials' refusal to undergo the C.I.A.'s polygraph, or lie detector, exam on so-called life style questions.
An example includes an Egyptian court's refusal to grant Muslim Egyptians who convert to Christianity identity cards that display their new religion.