The paper did not include actual outcomes from heart disease, like heart attacks.
Results include outcomes of by-elections held in October 2005 as a result of fraud in the first round of voting.
Inovalon focuses on four main areas of operation, which include claims and payment integrity, disease management, clinical and quality outcomes and health care data intelligence.
The economic benefits conferred by the Creative Class include outcomes in new ideas, high-tech industry and regional growth.
In-game features include large battlefields, a large number of enemies and officers to defeat, and multiple outcomes for each stage.
Benefits of Complete Streets can include improved safety, health, economic, and environmental outcomes.
Other non-linear elements include alternative outcomes (endings) and multiple references to famous historical and cultural figures who do not appear directly in the novel.
She said she would like to expand the oversight surveys to include outcomes from traumatic brain injury surgery and childbirth.
With meticulous attention to detail, he began to keep accurate medical records which included signs and symptoms, the surgical procedure, and outcomes.
These include academic and non-academic outcomes assessment, planning, and program review.