In the case of motion picture film, the format may also include audio parameters (though often not).
Each tool type is a single line of text, which can optionally include parameters, written after an sign.
Donald Knuth generalized the 91 function to include additional parameters.
The one feature that stood out from other copying programs was that these updates included "parameters".
Later publications include parameters for other specific functional groups and types of molecules such as carbohydrates.
The environment has a state that includes such parameters as the geographic region covered and the map projection in use.
It is hoped that 'Petersburg Politics' will include additional parameters in their research - such as measures of investment.
The resolution could also include parameters for future negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.
Many states also apply their own state-specific standards which may be more rigorous or include additional parameters.
Objective factors include such parameters as physical properties, operating conditions and cost constraints.