Other security features include passwords that can be attached at several different levels to keep snoopers out completely, or merely to restrict access to specific files.
That information may include surfing habits, system details or, in its most dangerous form, passwords and login information for critical applications such as online banking.
Like the other books in the series, it includes links and passwords to online videos which form an essential part of the plot.
The intelligence information to be gathered included biometric information and passwords and other authentication keys used in official communications.
They include an initiation ceremony, and may also include passwords, songs, and handshakes.
The leaked data included user IDs, names, resident registration numbers and passwords, it added.
Different sets of accounts, but with one major feature in common: they included plaintext passwords.
Its unusual features for an arcade game included passwords and characters that could be saved, enabling players to play over the course of a long period.
The release included accounts and passwords from many different sources.
The leaked items included email addresses and passwords, as well as hundreds of documents marked "sensitive" or "for official use only".