Other types may include pineapple or seafood.
Its produce are to include coffee, corn, root crops, peanuts and other legumes, banana, pineapple and some vegetables.
Regional crops include sugarcane, pineapple, tobacco, root vegetables, and citrus fruits.
The major products include: rubber; banana; and pineapple.
Drinkable yogurt variations include pineapple and dried apricot, among others.
Fruits that are commonly candied include dates, cherries, pineapple, and ginger.
Other transplanted crops include pineapple, cocoa, and tobacco.
Additional flavors of Postobón soda beyond apple include grape, orange, pineapple, and lemon.
Major crops include coffee, sugar cane, oil palm, rubber, cacao, pineapple, tea and fish.
These include squash, pineapple, nopal cactus, tomatoes, chili peppers, figs and more.