Their past endeavors have included slave trading and piracy, and worse, I'm told.
There is crime for gain: extortion, robbery (which includes piracy and raids on settled communities), swindling in its infinite guises.
Its prosperity came from maritime trade in sandalwood and slaves and probably included piracy.
The lifeboats were missing and the theories surrounding the ship included "piracy, mutiny, and insurance fraud.
These include piracy, trade, military missions, bounty hunting and asteroid mining.
Bit by bit Quoyle learns of his brutal family history, which includes piracy, murder, incest and rape.
Other transnational concerns include drug and diamond trafficking, piracy, and epidemic disease.
Issues are expected to include piracy and copyright, licensing and ticket touts, new talent and new technology.
This category includes libel, corruption, treason and piracy.
Such campaigns include: safe driving, drinking milk, piracy, and various local events.