It includes planting concrete blocks in the dirt below the rocks upon which Civita teeters.
This included planting malicious hidden programs known as trojan horses on the victims' hard drives.
When the colonists came to America, their initial attempts at survival included planting crops familiar to them from back home in England.
It will include planting 300,000 new native trees.
Stage two included further planting along the entire pathway, and continued outreach efforts to involve local population.
The plan included planting American wildflowers and native trees along with the peonies in a symbol of harmony between the two cultures.
This work includes planting a large number of trees, and it is feared that this could jeopardise the open nature of the common.
This included planting north and south of the river, as shown on General Roy's map of 1750.
The management of dune restoration projects includes planting vegetation successfully.
From 1968 to 1974, it perpetuated acts of violence that included planting booby trap bombs in public places.