Their numbers included not only artists with a capital A but also plumbers, mechanics and systems analysts for whom these cars provided a first experience in making art.
The amounts were determined on the basis of underpayments in the various trade classifications - which also included plumbers, sheet-metal workers and laborers - and the time worked.
All the club members, which included carpenters, electricians and plumbers, helped renovate the building on their own time.
The volunteers included architects, plumbers, shopkeepers and doctors.
A few of the many jobs that require arithmetic include carpenters, plumbers, auto mechanics, accountants, architects, doctors, and nurses.
Tuesday's demonstrators included plumbers and carpenters, electricians and steamfitters, lathers and laborers.
The staff includes equipment operators, custodians, trail crews, electricians, plumbers, architects, and other building trade specialists.
Common examples include accountants, attorneys, barbers, casinos, dentists, doctors, auto mechanics, plumbers, and stock brokers.
Since cruise ships truly are hotels on the sea, some of the folks you may encounter include bartenders, plumbers, electricians and ushers.
Skilled occupations include carpenters, electricians, plumbers, ironworkers, masons, and many other manual crafts, as well as those involved in project management.