Genie Tyburski, a law librarian in Philadelphia, runs a site about reliable research on line (, which includes pointers on how to avoid being duped.
Primitive data types in ICI include integers, reals, strings, files, safe pointers, and regular expressions.
The guide includes pointers on how to play the game, history, rules, and a list of all national champions.
The information posted on the website includes hypertext links or pointers to information created and maintained by other public and/or private organizations.
Online directions include pointers to auto repair shops, lodging, restaurants and leisure activities.
Many text books on reading include pointers to readability.
Instruction includes purely practical academic pointers, such as how to use the library, and broader concepts like college-level critical thinking.
Includes practical pointers for achieving financial independence by altering your lifestyle.
The standards committee also included several additional features such as function prototypes (borrowed from C++), pointers, support for international character sets and locales, and preprocessor enhancements.
To ease translation, SA-C does not include pointers and arithmetics thereon.