The main components of the platform are being developed as isolated kits, which include the media system, networking, preferences, storage, applications, and others.
Other differences include preferences (hot or cold, spicy, etc.) and practices, the study of which is known as gastronomy.
Borda counts include deeper preferences, and so contain more information than is held in current first place votes.
Predisposing factors include knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, personal preferences, existing skills, and self-efficacy towards the desired behavior change.
Business rules define the business process and include objectives constraints, preferences, policies, best practices, and boundaries.
As the authors observe, the "standard economic explanations for such occupational differences include preferences, ability and discrimination."
Each warehouse carries a line of local products, which include ethnic and gourmet preferences.
Other important influences include agglomeration and external economies, public policy and personal preferences.
Information on each dinosaur includes its name (and the proper pronunciation of it), origin, size, feeding preferences and other facts.
But that is correct only if you believe that affirmative action must include racial preferences, which is not true.