Cole's indictment goes beyond police discretion to include prosecutors, judges, legislators and juries.
Other colonial government employees considered to be of priyayi stature included tax officials, prosecutors, and officials attached to police units.
The ruling cements Colorado's status as the sole state to include prosecutors in such laws, legal experts said.
He announced that the team assisting him in his investigation would include former FBI agents and federal prosecutors.
In the last month, it was revealed that the party included several gangsters, politicians, army security officers, judges and prosecutors.
It will include lawyers, judges, former prosecutors, and possibly medical and child care professionals, he said.
That includes prosecutors, police officers, sheriffs, probation officers and judges.
The bill broadly defines how states can use the money to include the police, prosecutors, courts and expansion of prisons.
The commission includes law enforcement officials, prosecutors, defense lawyers, a businessman and the novelist Scott Turow, among others.
The committee would include judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys and representatives of public and private groups dealing with victim and offender services.