Such notice must include the specific time, place, and purpose of the meeting.
The CBL campus includes 21 buildings, that include purpose built research facilities with running sea water and environmentally-controlled chambers.
Variables include visits, visitor nights, origin of travellers and purpose of travel.
This description of how the loan funds will be used should include purpose, amount and type of loan.
One argument based on incompatible properties rests on a definition of God that includes a will, plan or purpose and an existence outside of time.
Sustainability can be seen as relating to three aspects included in most museum missions: field of research, purpose of public service, and the mandate for education.
The Range list includes the volume, concentration and purpose of the chemicals.
Interaction variables include social norms, purpose of the interaction, and formality of the situation.
The proposal suggests that the "integrity" of Biblical text-to include its present day message, purpose, and content-has never been corrupted or degraded.
The buzz words in this section include "autonomy," "mastery," and "purpose."