The group, which included historians, writers, rabbis and social workers, was dedicated to chronicling life in the Ghetto.
He is the most famous graduate, but the alumni also include many successful executives, judges, doctors and rabbis.
So Dr. Struewing, who said he knew few Jews and little about Judaism, formed a committee that included rabbis to guide his research.
The public commission included psychologists, rabbis and heads of municipalities.
Their group includes ministers, nuns, rabbis and the Muslim chaplain who coordinates interfaith relations at Hartford Seminary.
The rabbi made his proposal on Jan. 21 before a meeting of the Board of Rabbis, which includes rabbis of all branches.
Cantoni's untimely death prevented the realization of his hopes of founding an organization to include all the communities and rabbis of Italy.
In addition to the Muslim faithful, all of whom live in the Boston area, the guests included priests, ministers, rabbis and local elected officials.
In fact, according to Councilman Nelson, this includes several rabbis who are in favor of keeping the Corbin name.
The roster of recent alumni includes bankers, accountants and psychologists - as well as rabbis and religious-school teachers, who college officials say make up 50 percent of graduates.