Isn't it charming that the crudites on the table include not only carrots, radishes and celery but also big white disks of raw turnip?
Andong sikhye differs in that it includes radishes, carrots, and powdered red pepper.
These include apples, beetroot, cabbages, carrots, high quality coffee, common beans, maize, onions, peaches, plums, potatoes, radishes, turnips and wheat.
Vegetables with 100ha or more dedicated space include wheat, soybeans, sugar beet, potatoes and Japanese radishes.
Principle crops include corn, beans, alfalfa, nopal cactus, onions, cilantro, radishes, cauliflower, cabbage, lettuce and cucumbers.
In 1896, the Holland Society of New York published a spring soup recipe that included amontillado, olives, almonds, chicken, and radishes.
Vegetables include potatoes, peas, onions, tomatoes, cabbage, and radishes, among many others.
Common raw vegetables used in a salad include cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, spring onions, red onions, carrots, celery, and radishes.
Of course, this doesn't include cauliflower, turnips, or giant white radishes.
Some crops suitable for growing in a cold frame include lettuces, parsley, salad onions, spinach, radishes and turnips etc.