Elasmobranch - cartilaginous fish that includes sharks, skates and rays.
Not all emitted lights are perceptible to the naked eye, as the spectrum also includes ultraviolet rays and infrared lighting.
The class includes the sharks, sawfish, rays and chimaeras.
Powers include levitation, electric tentacles, and electric rays from the body.
Further workup may include labs, x rays, and spirometry.
Other predators include dolphins, seals, baleen whales, and rays.
Radiant energy includes light, heat, X rays, ultraviolet rays, radio waves, and sound.
Species from this area on exhibit include anacondas, piranhas, spiders, rays and crocodiles.
Her focus when studying was mainly in Elasmobranchii, group which includes Sharks and rays.
Some of the species in the exhibit include cownose rays, yellow rays and guitarfish.