The metropolitan area also includes several Indian reserves (the governments of which are not part of the regional district).
The protected areas of Namibia include its national parks and reserves.
It includes within the scope of its mission all active duty, National Guard, reserves, and officer training programs.
Figures do not include potentially huge reserves elsewhere.
The total loss to the company was much higher than the amount embezzled because it included reserves to pay off any legal settlement, according to Penguin.
Primary capital, which includes equity and reserves, totaled $1.5 billion at the end of September.
This total obviously does not include assets, deposits and reserves that are not traded.
But here again, the American banks will be hurt, because under the agreement they can include reserves of only up to 1.25 percent of their assets.
Other energy resources include sizable coal deposits and smaller reserves of natural gas and petroleum.
The European Parliament would therefore like to include reserves in its 1999 budget.