Birds seen in this area include robins, blue jays, sparrows, cardinals and red-tailed hawks.
Other birds include peregrine falcons, merlins, robins, willow warblers, song thrushes and dunnocks among others.
But the phainopepla is just one of many birds that eat mistletoe berries; others include grouse, mourning doves, bluebirds, evening grosbeaks, robins, and pigeons.
The most important birds for effective dispersal include cedar waxwings, euphonias, silky flycatcher, bluebirds, thrushes, robins, and solitaires.
Common birds include blue jays, feral pigeons, robins, and starlings.
Predators include other snakes, thrushes, American robins, barn owls, and opossums.
Birds that find ilex delicious include robins, waxwings and bluebirds, all normally spring migrators.
Birds living in and around the forest include ospreys, great horned owls, egrets, herons and, especially, robins, bluejays and mockingbirds.
Birds inhabiting the lake include robins, sparrows, finches, heron, woodpeckers, geese, ducks and hawks.