These items may include computers, semiconductors, software, telecommunications devices, and integrated circuits.
Exotic Materials can include plastics, superalloys, semiconductors, superconductors, and ceramics.
Imported parts include the pantographs, semiconductors in the power electronics, front design, couplers and final drives.
Areas on which the organisation is especially keen include semiconductors, telecommunications, factory automation, medical instruments and electronic office systems.
This includes semiconductors, telecommunications equipment, instrumentation and computers.
These include banking, transportation, communications, machine tools, semiconductors and biotechnology.
The company's sectors of interest include: Clean technology, software, semiconductors, medical technology, telecommunications, defence and aerospace.
Important high-technology industries include lasers, data processing, solar energy and semiconductors.
These products include semiconductors and electronic measuring instruments made in several countries.
O Cold cathode (by 1955 this also included semiconductors as these had no heater)