This body includes senators, representatives, their staffs, and various support workers.
On 5 February 1857 a new law separated religion and state, thus the Lutheran consistory did not include senators of the city government any more.
It does not include senators appointed after January 31, 2009.
Early Canadian cabinets included several senators who would be answerable to the Senate for government actions.
The crowd of thousands stretched over a large lawn, and included presidents, senators and dignitaries.
The President wanted to include senators in the process, including those of the opposition party.
The protesters included senators, university deans, students and workers.
The efforts to build a trust have gained momentum since a meeting on April 1 that included senators and top representatives from the major interest groups.
The study did not include senators because of that rule, Mr. Meryash said.
The attendees of the opening included governors, senators, city and county officials and Hollywood celebrities.