This included sending the actors to "twin boot camp" for 10 months to learn everything about the Winklevosses.
Attacks include sending mini sharks at you and a charge attack.
Tactics to get on a coach's radar screen include sending game videos and grade transcripts.
This included sending a radio unit and two battalions to Ypres as a diversion.
Early uses of the telegraph included sending press reports, commodities prices, and business transactions.
Apparently, the change in Administration policy did not include sending American land troops to the region.
Officials said the options included sending 500 to 2,000 troops, but details like the precise size, makeup and command structure were all undecided.
Ratzinger had a good relationship with Hardon which included sending him notes of thanks for his assistance in the faith.
That includes sending a national message decrying the Republican majority and aggressive fund-raising.
New missions would include sending them worldwide to capture or kill Al Qaeda leaders, officials said.