Includes £10.9m in salary and bonuses plus a long-term award of £3.35m, which could be worth three times more in three years' time.
Includes £5.2m in salary and bonuses and a long-term award of £1.7m that pays out in three years.
It includes two exhibition halls, 17.5m x 9.5m and 10.95m x 7.06m large respectively.
The main complex, Solbjerg Plads, was opened in 2000 and includes 34,000 m of student and office space surrounded by gardens and outdoor living space.
Kilen, commonly referred to as "The Wedge", was opened in 2006 and includes 10,000 m of student classrooms, study spaces, and offices for research and administration.
The total amount included £22.7m which had already been used for emergency stabilisation work before the approval of the main project.
The development includes 42,000m of retail space spread over 17 levels that has been pitched as, 'The Place for all things Stylish'.
His other achievements include four 100 m and 200 m titles at the Central American and Caribbean Championships.
To gain the right to compete a qualifying standard must be achieved, examples of standards include 6.80m in the under 19 boys long jump and 4:43.00 for the senior girls 1500m.
The results include £11.58m arising from the disposal of the joint records venture.