The property includes six and a half miles of winding driveways.
Rates include 100 miles a day; 28 cents each additional mile.
It carries up to 90 passengers on each ride, and includes four miles of track.
The new system would include 50,000 miles of track and combined annual revenue of $12.5 billion.
It covers 23.2 acres and includes 1.07 miles of new walking trails.
The rental includes 700 miles; after that there is a charge of 22 cents a mile.
The river segments proposed today as additions to the system would include more than 10,000 miles.
From Dublin, the cost would be $360, which includes 100 miles.
The 300-mile journey included 200 miles of white water.
Tartar's average work included 40 to 50 miles a day.