Developing countries currently include 58 percent of all people aged 55 and over.
That includes fewer than 25 percent of the county's residents 65 and older.
In 1997, the 220 plastic surgeons certified included 26 women, or 12 percent.
The 135 countries studied include 92 percent of the world's population.
The audience is believed to include more than 40 percent of the nation's teen-agers.
That included 57.4 million users, or 70 percent of the European market.
The program functioned smoothly for its first seven years, when it included only 1.5 percent of the student body.
This year's graduating class of 1,112 includes 71 black students, or 6.4 percent.
It exercises no control over its members, which include 85 percent of all record companies.
Total registered voters include 2 percent who said they would not vote.