The initial focus of the biomedical business was hospital safety and quality assurance with products that included medical safety analyzers, cardiac simulators, and deliberator testers.
This includes simulators, test drivers and the Safetran Wayside Appliance and Signaling Logic Processor subsystems.
Displays include rockets, engines, spacecraft, simulators, and hands-on exhibits.
Aids to interpretation now include videos, hands-on surgical simulators and touch screen displays.
It includes mobile simulators, a full build toolchain, and an integrated development environment (IDE) that facilitates coding, debugging, and user interface design.
The deal also includes simulators, ground and training equipment and spares.
An Astronaut Adventure room includes simulators for use by children.
The centre includes simulators of space flight and micro-gravity.
SIMH, the historical computer simulator project, includes simulators for both the Interdata 32 bit (7/32 and 8/32) and their 16 bit minicomputers.
These include torpedoes, mines, decoys, targets, simulators, Fire Control Systems and weapon launchers.