Among my colleagues, which include professional linguists, psychologists, sociologists and educators, bilingualism is not a dirty word.
Membership includes psychologists, sociologists, musicologists, philosophers, and other researchers in over 20 countries.
An Army study group, which included sociologists and management experts, concluded in 1978 that soldiers should be treated with more dignity.
The scientific committee includes Islam experts, philosophers, sociologists, historians and legal experts.
The society claims that its membership includes sociologists, scientists, corporate planners, educators, students and retirees.
The Foundation's staff with about 60 employees includes architects, town planners, sociologists, cultural scientists, artists and art historians.
Participants included sociologists, scientists, labor leaders, educators, representatives of corporations, musicians, and people involved with other aspects of music.
Their four expert witnesses included sociologists who testified that it was best for children to live in a traditional family.
A Bush commission should include leading sociologists, economists, educators, medical researchers and members of the clergy.
Members of the association include city planners, geographers, architects, economists, sociologists, public policy experts, statisticians and more.