Their range includes loaves, biscuits, meringues, cakes, sponges, puddings and tarts.
Barrier methods include condoms, diaphragms, and sponges.
Those animals boring into the rock include sponges, bivalve mollusks, and sipunculans.
This selection expanded by 1991 to include spermicidal jelly and sponges.
Physical cleaning includes sponges, water jets or backflushing using a permeate.
Examples of barrier methods include condoms, cervical caps, diaphragms, sponges, and dental dams.
The objects carried include sponges, black corals and gorgonians, and this is behaviour may be a defence mechanism against predators.
Other Paleozoic marine life included algae, brachiopods, corals, snails, sponges, and trilobites.
These include long-handled sponges, shower stools, and shoehorns.
There he found that children were particularly crazy about tide pool creatures, which include sponges, starfish, octopuses, crabs and sea cucumbers.