Symptoms include white spots on the carapace and a red hepatopancreas.
That is triple the national average, which includes sluggish spots like Dallas, where carpenters accepted a $2.22-an-hour pay cut several weeks ago.
A thin stripe runs from the tail base along the side of the body and through the eye, and may include white spots.
Symptoms of this disease include coughing, fever, and black spots on the skin.
These different concepts include hot spots, crime generators and crime attractors.
The Book of Spells includes black spots on each page which appear to be constellations.
Symptoms include wrinkles, brown spots and an increasingly leathery texture.
Possible side effects from Whitestrips usage include gum irritation and white spots on the teeth for a few hours after use.
Symptoms include dark spots on leaf margins followed by a white web covering the leaves.
The symptoms include chlorotic spots that turn brown and necrotic.