These include crabs, molluscs, sea urchins, starfish and polychaete worms.
Other dietary items were varied and included smaller starfish of this species and brittle stars such as Ophionotus victoriae.
Decorative notes include model boats, ships' wheels, starfish, a net holding shells and wooden plaques with sayings like "Born to fish, forced to work."
Common oyster predators include crabs, sea birds, starfish, and humans.
They include starfish, brittle stars, sea urchins, sea cucumbers and their relatives.
Some animals that exhibit soft bodied locomotion include starfish, octopus, and flatworms.
Related animals include the sea cucumbers and starfish.
There he found that children were particularly crazy about tide pool creatures, which include sponges, starfish, octopuses, crabs and sea cucumbers.
Other predators include nudibranchs, starfish, nemertean worms, sea anemones, and hydrozoans.
Discoveries included starfish, crabs, and ice fish.