The facilities include ten cabins and studios for artists and a studio-museum.
The proposal does not include art schools and studios.
The 20-year deal includes studios on the first and second floors and three floors of offices.
The building also includes studios and one- and three-bedroom apartments.
The tour also includes individual studios in and around the downtown area.
The complex includes vast stages and various other studios for film TV and video production.
The museum's public areas include a 299-seat auditorium, workshops, studios and a library that will house a collection of more than 68,000 books.
In 2004, the facility moved to its current location, which includes an exhibition space, performance space, and studios for artists.
The building plans a year-round schedule of exhibitions, and will also include studios for visiting artists.
Hollywood's production companies have also come to realize that their rivals include not only other studios but other forms of leisure activities as well.