Media abuses, particularly from the tabloids, also included ready sums of money in exchange for photographs, information, and hidden microphones.
For publishers, the problems include fewer magazines that run excerpts, and smaller sums available to pay for them.
But nearly everyone agrees that the figures for the United States include substantial sums toward preparations abroad by American multinationals.
The old money probably entails even bigger volumes, because it includes huge sums that have been sitting idle for years.
We're going to do the best we can; that includes suspensions and enormous sums of money as a result of those suspensions.
But the repayment does not include vast sums in direct military assistance to the South.
These prizes include large sums of money, which has helped sustain and expand his work.
The resources allocated by the European Union to Bulgaria go into a special fund which also includes sums from other donors.
This is, however, still only an approximation, and the Hamiltonian includes numerous long and complicated sums.