During this period the Haddington lodge included merchants, tailors and clerks as well as gardeners.
Shops in the arcade include tailors, 7-Eleven, cleanser, collectors and other trades.
Child workers include street vendors, shoe shiners, apprentice mechanics, carpenters, vulcanisers, tailors, barbers and domestic servants.
Local skills include blacksmiths, carpenters, goldsmiths, leather processors, leather workers and tailors.
Other typical jobs include tailors, toddy tappers, carpenters, drivers, shop keepers, basket weavers, and teachers.
Occupants included tailors, clothing merchants, insurance agents, railroad line offices, and more.
They included blacksmiths, wheelwrights, coopers, clockmakers, tailors, milliners and printers.
Occupational castes included blacksmiths, jewellers, tanners, tailors, musicians and griots.
Trades included butchers, tailors, colliers (charcoal sellers) and brewers.
The textile industry includes: wholesalers, distributors, small tailors and retail shops etc..