Her caseload includes child abuse, spousal violence, divorce, custody disputes among unmarried couples, deadbeat dads and termination of parental rights.
"If the company through its investigation determines that the alleged misconduct occurred," Texaco said, "it will take appropriate disciplinary actions against the employees, which could include termination."
Such acts would include "the repeal or termination of the Chancellor's or the board's authority as it currently exists under law," the contract says.
The registry should include amendments and termination of those covenants.
Examples include termination, demotion, poor performance appraisal, and cutting hours.
These reactions include: activation, priming, four reactions in elongation, and termination.
An adapter from narrow to wide must include termination to work properly.
The parents can be counseled on their options, which include termination of pregnancy, and on the difficulties of a child with the identified gene.
This includes termination of pregnancy and therefore abortion!
There is also a dual modality which includes termination.