Other notable winners include Google and the BBC.
Prominent users include the BBC, which adopted the typeface as its corporate typeface in 1997 .
The biggest problem for Labour (including Miliband) is the bias from the right wing media, and yes.... i do include the BBC in that.
"Ofcom included the BBC in its public interest test in respect of the proposed News Corp/Sky bid."
However, as an occasional contributor to British Broadcasting Corporation news programs, he should know better than to include the BBC in his broadside.
These institutions have typically included the welfare state, the BBC, and local government.
Its propoganda machine, which unfortunately includes the BBC, insists that massive displays of dissent through industrial action are actually 'unrepresentative.'
These included the BBC.
Examples of other bodies which have a similar role to, whilst not being formally called, public-benefit corporations include the BBC, which is incorporated by royal charter.
We don't know how our conversations might take a different path, whether their joint venture means that our conversations will now include both Discovery and the BBC.