China, for example, has had a national policy programme to reduce emissions growth, which included the closure of old, less efficient coal-fired power plants.
Changes were introduced in October 2012 which included the closure of some courts and a reduction in sitting times for others.
This included the closure of the Lincoln Libraries branches.
Measures necessary to achieve this restructuring and cost efficiency include the closure of Hanley Pottery with the loss of around 160 jobs.
Like the House version, these policies also include a Buffett-rule tax, the closure of the oil subsidies and cuts to farm subsidies.
Two of the options presented included the closure of Vaynor and Penderyn.
President Hoover appointed Rhoads to put together a reform package which included the closure of unpopular reservation boarding schools and improved medical facilities.
This may include the closure of restaurants or water sources and the restriction of travel by individuals.
Such action could even include the temporary, or even permanent, closure of a nuclear power plant.
This includes bridges or tunnels in some cases, and the closure of small suburban streets in others.