It was intended to persuade the delegates to include the suppression of the African slave trade in their deliberations.
This includes, for example, the suppression of fire, which many ecosystems historically depended on for their biological character and variety.
Your duty must never include the suppression of the truth.
The amendments included the suppression of the "Bachelot tax".
After sometimes harsh French colonial rule, which included the bloody suppression of an uprising in 1947, Madagascar gained independence in 1960.
Those risks include the suppression of bone marrow, which can cause severe anemia and make patients vulnerable to life-threatening infections.
It included, not surprisingly, the protection of the church and promotion of Christianity, and the suppression of evildoers.
These conditions included the suppression of trial by ordeal as well as the monarchy's defense of freedom of religion.
It was a period that included the brutal suppression of the "saffron revolution of 2007" and widespread human rights abuses.
Possible roles include the suppression and attack of enemy air defenses.