Wonderland's instrumental abilities include guitar, slide guitar, mandolin, trumpet and piano.
Rainey's youthful pursuits included violin, piano and trumpet.
For this engagement he used an able seven-member ensemble that included two keyboards, drums, bass, guitar, trumpet and flute.
All known complete Bach cantatas for this occasion include trumpet and timpani.
The orchestra occasionally expands to include accordion, concertina, trumpet and Irish bronze age horns.
Common names include scarlet gilia, scarlet trumpet, and skyrocket.
Flowering or fruiting perennial vines include clematis, honeysuckle, grape, American bittersweet, silver lace, orange trumpet and wisteria.
Instruments included in a typical reggae horn section include saxophone, trumpet or trombone.
When the bassist David Holland began leading his own quintet in 1984, it included trumpet, trombone, saxophone and drums.
Former members of the ensemble include trumpet virtuoso and founder, Gerard Schwarz.