For a woman, these include the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes.
This system includes tubes laid on the ground to form a network of loops.
Common final products include sheet metal, plates, strip metal, pipes, and tubes.
Later developments included long flexible tubes, worn as necklaces; and colors including red, yellow, and blue.
They included tubes, communication guides, and flexible connection points onto which other cables could easily be joined.
All assays routinely included tubes to assess non-specific binding which was typically less than 5% of total counts.
Typical closed sections include round, square, and rectangular tubes.
As this included diagonal tubes, it can be considered the first true spaceframe.
Noise - Stock air filtration systems usually include resonator-based muffling tubes.
Some designs included ladders, escape hatches, and even feeding tubes, but many forgot a method for providing air.