Recurring sporting events established in 1924 - this race is included under its original title, Ulriksdallöpning.
Recurring sporting events established in 1920 - this race is included under its original title, County Hurdle.
Recurring sporting events established in 1992 - this race is included under its original title, Festival Bumper.
Variants differ in the story that is included under its own title.
Recurring sporting events established in 1902 - this race is included under its original title, Phoenix Plate.
Recurring sporting events established in 1824 - this race is included under its original title, Tradesmen's Cup.
Recurring sporting events established in 1843 - this race is included under its original title, New Stakes.
Recurring sporting events established in 1967 - this race is included under its original title, Wills Mile.
Recurring sporting events established in 2001 - this race is included under its original title, Championship Chase.
Recurring sporting events established in 1807 - this race is included under its original title, Grand Prix.