The programme was extended in February 2012 to include plug-in vans.
Consumer offerings may account for an even smaller percentage; the number of cars counted as passenger vehicles includes light commercial trucks and vans.
The vehicles included cars, vans and lorries, some of which exploded and started a fire.
The patrols include unmarked vans with video equipment to tape aggressive drivers in the act.
Light trucks includes vans, pickups, and sport utility vehicles.
The class includes vans, minivans, sport utility vehicles, and pickup trucks.
Light trucks include vans and sport-utility vehicles, like Jeeps, which are often used as substitutes for cars.
The cuts do not include any trucks, vans, ambulances or sanitation trucks.
The system includes vans and buses, that has organized routes but in an informal way.
Its products include passenger cars, trucks, vans, coaches, buses and military vehicles.