It is a mixture of cleared, manicured, and mature landscaping, and includes Anglican and unconsecrated burial grounds, a crematorium, memorial gardens, columbarium, recordia, chapel, vaults and catacombs on top of a gently rolling hill, with views across South London.
The grotto includes a set of passageways, crevices or halls, and vaults of varied width and height.
Tiffany, whose elaborate security includes bulletproof windows and bomb-resistant vaults, was regarded among experts as one of the toughest in the nation - until last week.
The remaining rooms include the cellar, kitchen, castle chapel, prison, two parlours and several vaults.
The interior includes Gothic vaults, massive Tuscany-style gold-leaf pillars and 11 richly decorated altars that were given to Guadalajara by King Fernando VII of Spain (1814-33).
The ceilings of these rooms included ribbed vaults springing from octagonal piers.
The ceilings are made of brick and include vaults which were designed to contain fire and force explosions upward rather than outward.
Pearls: the Dubai Pearl Exchange (DPE) provides facilities for traders in pearls; and services include sales rooms, customs duty facilitation, gem analysis centre, vaults, market information and dedicated events like the World Pearl Forum.