These might include war, epidemics or antitrust violations by patent holders.
He says that the safety violations were trivial and included violations such as not having enough toilet paper in the restroom.
The memo added that a number of the inquiries might be expanded to include other possible violations of securities laws.
These offenses included violations of a ruler's decree or action against the state itself, according to the Nāradasmṛti.
In all, he was eventually sentenced to 30 years for crimes which included repeated violations of the constitution.
Judaism uses the term "sin" to include violations of Jewish law that are not necessarily a lapse in morality.
These included violations of equal protection, double jeopardy, and cruel and unusual punishment.
The allegations include drug sales and use, payoffs to public officials and other criminal violations, the source said.
'Unsafely' can include negligent driving or violations of applicable traffic laws.
Bent Spear incidents include violations or breaches of handling and security regulations.