No trace of the campsite should be left: this includes litter, ground disturbance, and human waste.
In many areas, sewage also includes liquid waste from industry and commerce.
C&D waste does not generally include waste from the commercial and industrial waste stream.
The benefits to the environment include less use of water and raw materials and less waste being sent to landfill.
Water pollution sources in Peru include industrial waste, sewage and oil related waste.
Common mixtures include gasoline, cigarette smoke, and industrial waste.
The types of waste covered includes domestic, commercial and industrial waste.
Later in the 1970s the organization widened its focus to include toxic waste and commercial seal hunting.
Amendment No 15 proposes that the limited requirements of Article 2.3 should include non-hazardous waste.
This includes waste produced from mining and its associated refining processes, or by-products of that industry.