His negotiating team includes whites and blacks, women and men.
Although the group included men, women, blacks, and whites, the majority of its members were white.
Consistent with party rules, this year's 18-person delegation includes whites, blacks and people of Hispanic origin.
The casualties - two were seriously wounded - included blacks and whites.
This particular one includes whites, blacks and Asians, who don't, for the time we see them, talk race.
And in the end "Reflections in Black" turns out to include whites, too.
She held this position until 1960, and under her guidance the organization's board of directors became integrated to include influential whites among the members.
Growing minorities include whites at 3.74% and people of mixed race at 4.65% (figures from 2001 census).
Mr. Rush contends that any successful black candidacy must include whites and others.
The group included whites, free blacks and former slaves, and for a couple of generations they shared the same church.