His work includes ukiyo-e-influced woodcuts and paintings.
Kauage's art included drawing, painting and woodcuts.
The word "estampa" means "engraving" or "printing" refers to works which have the quality of being reproducible and include seals, woodcuts, lithography and others.
The pieces, a gift from the estate of the late artist, include woodcuts, etchings and drawings.
The works on view included etchings, woodcuts and sculptures, Reuters reported.
The 84 works on view, which include drypoints, lithographs and woodcuts spanning most of Beckmann's career, represent nearly a quarter of his print production.
It includes small, simple drypoint doodles, geometric woodcuts and 15 colorful versions of his trademark "Homage to the Square."
As a newsagent he noticed that when newspapers included woodcuts, their sales increased.
One includes lithographs, woodcuts, drawings and paintings of New York City buildings, streets and interiors.
The publishing included woodcuts of the inscriptions found on the stones.