Breeding birds include woodpeckers, tawny owls and sparrowhawks.
These include green and great spotted woodpeckers, a number of different mammals and the rare great crested newt.
Wildlife at the park includes woodpeckers and owls among others.
Smaller birds include the downy and hairy woodpeckers.
Other common birds include brown-capped chickadees, spruce grouse, and yellow-capped woodpeckers.
The local fauna includes woodpeckers, ñandúes, foxes, viscachas, and capibaras.
Other birds commonly seen in the park include sapsuckers, woodpeckers, chickadees, and Bushtits.
Birds include heron, Canada geese, owls, quail and woodpeckers.
Natural predators of the mountain pine beetle include certain birds, particularly woodpeckers, and various insects.