The bill included wording to grant or restore hunting and fishing rights.
The goals include vague wording about how poor nations need to adopt good governance, and how rich nations need to give them money.
(The 1963 and 1969 versions of the Bugei include similar wording).
These may also include wording for a Tornado Emergency.
The cancellation form you provide to customers when you agree a doorstep selling contract must be in a standard format and include standard wording.
Questions which include dates, quotations and complex wording are initially offputting.
Modern statutes will specify that they apply to Scotland and may also include special wording to take into consideration unique elements of the legal system.
The revised guidance included wording as follows:
Approximately sixteen states did not choose to include explicitly "free state", "defense of state" or "common defense" wording for their specific state.
The list of suspect phrases included alternative wording for each phrase.