These include workbooks for choosing strategies with which to evangelize to "unreached peoples".
Accessories include workbooks on spelling, math and other subjects.
It is part of an instructional course that also includes workbooks and practice tests.
The system also includes printed materials and workbooks, partly to counteract criticism that it is inherently anti-reading.
These curriculum-specific products include classroom magazines, workbooks, reproducibles, early learning centers, and more.
Materials include textbooks, workbooks, instructor resource guides, and digital media.
Other activities by specialists to help the student include games, activities, and printable workbooks to help students practice what they learn.
The Program includes textbooks, workbooks, teacher's guides, flashcards, vocabulary posters, and wall posters.
The program includes books, workbooks and computerized material.
The course includes workbooks, textbooks, and a 52-episode television series.