This celebration includes the daily rituals connected to the Panividais and worship in Swamithope.
Primary themes include worship, descriptions of temples, philosophy, nayaka-nayaki themes and patriotic songs.
Programmatic focus includes worship, youth activities, adult education, outreach, social action, and leading his first synagogue-wide trip to Israel in 2013.
Other lyrical themes include worship and selflessness.
Cultural feminism includes "matriarchal worship", according to Prof. James Penner.
This included worship at Shinto shrines, as much a political expression of patriotism as a religious act.
Jim Sibley has brought me here to show me how faith in Jesus can include Jewish worship.
Others may have a system of values and beliefs that does not include worship of a divine being.
A rigorous curriculum at both schools includes Saturday classes and regular worship in keeping with each student's religious background.
Events at the gathering include worship, workshops, concerts, meals, dances, speakers, service projects, and plenary sessions.