The movie went on to win three Oscars, including best actress and best original screenplay.
They did not continue from district competition but did take home several awards including Best Actress.
The film received five Academy Award nominations, including best actress for Davis.
It is a successful and award-winning in the khmer national film festival where it received 4 awards including best actress.
The second-tier awards, including those for best actor and actress in a play or a musical, usually mean little in relation to ticket sales.
The Help won three gongs including best actress for Viola Davis.
She coached many young women in the art of acting, including actress and courtesan Liane de Pougy.
Shakespeare won seven awards, including best actress (Gwyneth Paltrow).
Rouzbeh Rashidi made this film with a low budget and total cast and crew of three people including the actor and actress.
The 1976 film won four Academy Awards, including best actress for Ms. Dunaway.