"One has to put an end to growing disillusion and mistrust of political institutions, including Parliament."
As a specialist in the subject, he was a sometimes financial advisor for British government, including Parliament.
They are, however, discussed only on rare occasions and in little detail by the European institutions, including Parliament.
They are also subject to monitoring by Union institutions, including Parliament.
As presidency, we will attach particular importance to ensuring a balanced outcome which all, including Parliament, can accept.
Within the next five years, all of the European Union institutions, including Parliament, will have to face historic economic policy challenges.
This also applies to all the European institutions, including Parliament.
The final selection will be presented for consultation to the other institutions, including Parliament and stakeholders.
European institutions, including Parliament, are far too abstract for the Community's citizens at the current moment.
Such harsh sentencing caused concern amongst the more moderate members of the public, including Parliament.